- MEMBERSHIP FORMS AND FEES: must be sent in to the MBRA office by the individual seeking a membership. Membership becomes active upon it’s receipt to the MBRA office.
- Membership Categories :
- Youth membership is available for individuals 16 years of age and under as of January 1st of the current year.
- Open membership is available to individuals of any age.
- Select membership is available to individuals 50 years and older.
- Open/Youth or Open/Select combination memberships are available to allow members to compete in both categories at the finals.
- There is no cross entry with Youth and PeeWee categories for the finals. PeeWee age to enter the finals - 4-10 years of age.
- Membership Deadline: Memberships must be paid prior to any jackpots to qualify for finals; otherwise these qualified jackpots are forfeited.
- Membership is mandatory to compete at a sanctioned event.
- There will be $25 charge for any NSF cheques written to the MBRA.
- Sanctioning A Jackpot : Hosts wishing to sanction jackpots must submit a sanction form to the MBRA secretary a minimum of seven days in advance of the intended jackpot to provide the required information for the website.
- Sanction Fees : Each jackpot must pay a $10.00 Sanction fee to the MBRA.
- $2 Prize Fund : Each jackpot must pay a $2.00 fee per horse entry per jackpot, to be collected and sent to the MBRA to be used as a finals fund. Only the PeeWee division is exempt from this.
- All jackpot hosts are required to post results and payout onto an MBRA results Facebook page.
- All hold back must be put on the sanction form so it can be advertised on the website.
- There will be $25 charge for any NSF cheques written to the MBRA.
- Cancelled jackpots without notification to the office will be charged the $10.00 sanction fee.
- Qualifying jackpots can be obtained in any state or province as long as they are MBRA approved.
- Youth and Select jackpots will run separately from the open jackpots. Youth and select will also have a separate payout from the open.
- Category Option: Hosts have the option of offering any age category or all.
- Jackpots that offer all divisions can allow carry over of times if the pattern is the same for each for those that run in 2 divisions. Competitor’s decision to carry over times must be declared at time of entry.
- Jackpot Hosts have the opportunity to reschedule the same day they cancel without the 7 days notice but must reschedule when cancelling their scheduled jackpot.
- All jackpot entries to be paid with cash with the exception of pre-enter jackpots.
- MBRA Board has the right to decline hosts the opportunity to sanction jackpots due to past problems from hosting jackpots
- Western Dress : The host has the option of choosing “required western dress” (cowboy hat, western boots, long sleeved shirt, etc.) If this option is chosen, the host also has the option of enforcing the hat rule (hat must remain on rider entering the arena, during the run, and exiting the arena). If hat rule is enforced, penalties or “no times” are option of the host, but must be made clear prior to event start.
- Competitors must compete in a saddle at jackpots.
- The MBRA recommends a closed gate for safety.
- The MBRA barrel pattern must have the following minimum distances:
- 45 foot stopping distance
- 20 foot score line
- 15 feet off the fence/wall for 1st and 2nd barrels, 18 feet off the wall/fence for 3rd barrel.
- The arc between 1st - 3rd, and 2nd - 3rd should be equal.
- Markers : The start/finish line and the barrel positions must be marked with ground markers for the entire event, excluding the peewee age category.
- The starting gate will remain the same for the entire event.
- Every effort should be made to keep the ground conditions within the arena consistent with the arena consistent throughout the event. The ground around each barrel must be worked and levelled after a certain number of contestants have competed. Host will decide number depending on ground conditions. MBRA suggests after every 5-9 runs.
- Timing A Run : Any time a contestant crosses over the start line, the time will begin. The time will end when they cross it again after a completed pattern.
- Barrel racing is a timed event using three identical barrels set in a cloverleaf pattern. (MBRA finals use empty 45 gallon metal barrels with closed ends.) Jackpot shows are not required to use metal barrels, however the barrels must be empty and have both ends closed.
- Penalties : When a contestant knocks over a barrel, he/she receives a no time. A “no time” will also be given if a barrel is knocked over and sets up again on either end. Touching a barrel, including keeping it from falling while remaining horseback, is permitted without penalty. A no time will result in the contestant being removed from the payout and all calculations.
- Resetting Barrels : If a barrel is moved off its marker during competition, barrel must be reset prior to next competitors run.
- A horse may not compete against itself in a division. It may only be ridden by 2 different riders at each specific jackpot in different divisions. This is excluding Peewee and including side pots. Any horse competing at an approved MBRA competition can only make 4 runs total per day. (Passed at 2019 AGM)
- Companion horses leading a competing horse into the arena cannot be in the arena or passed the entry gate during the competitors run.
- Contestants must compete in a saddle at jackpots.
- Contestants must be ready when called. Contestants name will be called three times and their run will be forfeited should they not enter after the third call. Jackpot hosts have the discretion on this as number of entries and time allowed for the jackpot will play a factor.
- Qualified Runs : Contestants must be mounted and at least trot the pattern in order for that jackpot to count as a qualifying jackpot.
- Breaking Pattern : A contestant will be disqualified for going off pattern.
- Timer Failure : Reruns shall be granted if the timer fails to work properly of if the barrels are not placed properly on their markers. No prior penalty will apply to the rerun.
- In the event of a timer malfunction that horse and rider will take their re-run in the next section of the rake. If during a run and the timer malfunctions and a barrel has been knocked or broken pattern there will be no re-run granted.
- Using Stop Watches :The host has the discretion to use stop watches or electric timers. If using electric timer, the MBRA recommends the use of a backup stop watch.
- Timer Option : IF the timer fails to record times on 3 competing horses, the host has the option of rerunning these horses or using the stop watch times for all competitors.
- Payout : It is recommended a minimum of 70% of the total prize money (with added money and entry fees) be included in the payout. Hosts are required to state the hold back on the jackpot sanction form.
- Administration fees are not taken out of the added money. Administration fees are deducted from entry fees after timer fees have been deducted.
- Division Payout Splits : The split of money between and within D’s is outlined in the Payout Guide (included in the host package). Please refer to these sheets for details. Any $500 or more added money jackpots have an option to go 4-D format instead of 3-D format.
- Payout splits if empty division : If no horses place in the 2D or 3D or 4D, the prize money for that division will be split evenly among the Divisions where horses did place.
Matters involved under Penalties will be brought before the MBRA executive by a written statement. Any of the following actions may result in suspension or disqualification from the MBRA during the competitive year.
- Using abusive language or attempting to threaten, bribe, influence, or harass any contestant, show official or MBRA official.
- Moving or attempting to move markers at any time.
- Use of electronic and/or remote controlled devices to alter the outcome of a run.
- Abuse of a horse in any way.
- Competing while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Misidentifying a horse in any MBRA classes will disqualify a contestant.
- Other conduct that is not in the best interest of the MBRA or its members.
Appeals, Protests, Complaints
- A member guilty of a rule violation or suspension/disqualification may send a written appeal to the MBRA executive.
- Signed Protests : A person(s) who believe a rule violation/infarction or other improper action(s) or conduct has occurred at a MBRA sanctioned event may file a SIGNED WRITTEN PROTEST with the MBRA executive.
- The MBRA Executive will deal with each case in its entirety.
- The MBRA Executive has the right to revoke membership upon any of the above misconducts.
The MBRA executive will appropriately conduct a Season Finals suitable to the general membership.
Eligibility :
- To be eligible for the MBRA finals, you must be a current member of the MBRA and have competed in the required number of sanctioned jackpots as a horse/rider combination in each age category you wish to enter.
- Open – 5 jackpots – 2 must be on MB Soil
- Youth – 3 jackpots – 1 must be on MB Soil
- Select – 3 jackpots – 1 must be on MB soil