The Manitoba Barrel Racing Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the sport of barrel racing in the province of Manitoba. Divisional (3D and 4D) barrel racing events give riders and barrel horses of different ability and skill levels the opportunity to compete in three or four divisions based on their running times.
Members must meet the minimum attendance requirement at MBRA sanctioned or co-sanctioned races to qualify for the Annual Manitoba Barrel Racing Finals. Thanks to generous barrel racing sponsor support, the MBRA adds money and prizes to each division within the Open, Youth and Select classes at the year-end finals.
2025 MBRA Finals - October 3 - 5 2025
Jackpot Cutoff Date: August 17, 2025
2025 Membership Cutoff: August 13, 2025
This is the last day to attend a jackpot to qualify for the 2024 MBRA Finals
Finals Entries Open - TBA
Finals Entries Close - TBA
Last day to vet/medical release - TBA
Membership Renewals are due December 31 of each year
Jackpots attended after the jackpot cut-off date will count towards the next season if you renew your membership by December 31. If you miss this renewal date, your jackpots will not carry over to the next season.
Motion #1 – MBRA Board
The MBRA Board has worked hard to go through the current bylaws and rules of the association to split out what falls under a bylaw of the association and what would be considered a rule of the association. A file with the proposed revision is available for viewing on the MBRA website and will be handed out during the AGM. (The file is posted below the motions)
Motion – The MBRA Board motions to approve the updated MBRA bylaws and rules document.
Motion #2 –MBRA Board
The MBRA Board motions to increase the membership fee for Open, Youth, and Select memberships to $80.00, before GST. This would make the total including GST $84.00
Reasoning is the increase in secretary pay per membership ($14.50/membership)
Motion #3 – Motion submitted by Dawn Vandersteen, Seconded by Chelsey Glasman
Children can enter jackpots when he/she turns 4 years old.
(Current rule: PeeWee – open for participants 4 to 10 years of age, as of that calendar year.)
Motion # 4 – Submitted by Kathy Brown, Seconded by Bev Young
MBRA needs to have office hours and phone number posted to be reached at.
Motion # 5 - Submitted by Kathy Brown, Seconded by Bev Young
No more qualifier jackpots. All jackpots must have a payout following the rules and guidelines.
Motion # 6 - Submitted by Kathy Brown, Seconded by Bev Young
Payout is to be done after the jackpot, or it is the hosts responsibility to get the payout to the winners in a timely fashion. It is the competitor’s responsibility to stay and pick up payout or have someone pick it up for them.
Motion # 7 - Submitted by Sherra Tanguay, Seconded by Chelsey Glasman
I move that if timers fault in a qualified run resulting in a no time, the option of a rerun be granted. If the contestant chooses to decline the rerun, entry fees (minus holdback) will be reimbursed to the contestant. This is to promote the wellbeing of the horse. Refund will be deducted from payout.
Motion # 8 – Submitted by Whitney Gallant, Seconded by Amanda Taylor
We change our 3D season jackpot payout format to 40/30/30. (Current 3D payout 50/30/20)
Motion # 9 - Submitted by Mackenzie Shauf, Seconded by Brooklyn Shauf.
I make a motion to give members a choice of either attending 5 jackpots to qualify for MBRA finals (2 of these being Manitoba soil) or not attending any Manitoba soil jackpots but attending 2 more jackpots for a total of 7 jackpots to qualify for MBRA finals.
Motion # 10 - Submitted by Charmaine Grad, Seconded by Carmen Jackson
To qualify for the MBRA Finals you have the option to attend a minimum of 2 jackpots for the Open/ minimum of 1 jackpot for Select and Youth, for the same horse/rider combo on Manitoba soil, and pay $50 per extra jackpot that you need to qualify.
Terms up for nomination:
2 yr term director – Aisha
2 yr term director – Courtney
2 yr term director – Sherra
2 yr term director – Amanda
Charmaine, Whitney, Reese, Sherri, Donna all have 1 year left of their term.
Meeting Called to order at 7:38 pm by Charmaine
Charmaine read the 1st motion
· Explained why 2023 expenses were higher than usual this year compared to 2022, we paid for the 2022 saddles in our 2023 fiscal year
· Explained the need for & why we are looking to increase the secretary wage for 2024
· Did the price of memberships go up this year?
o No, we only added GST which was discussed at the 2023 AGM due to legal requirement because of the revenue memberships generate
· Will we need to increase membership costs?
o For the second motion that has not yet been discussed we would need to increase the membership costs in 2025
o We are not needing to increase memberships for 2024 as the wage increase is within the budget currently
· What would we need to increase 2025 memberships by?
o Roughly between $8-$10 for 2025
· How do we compare with other associations?
o Currently just over half the SBRA salary based on 2023 MBRA membership numbers
o ABRA – workload is split into 3 separate positions, significantly higher pay, though there is a much larger membership
· Have we explored salary instead of paying per membership like we do now?
o No, because if we have a low membership year then it keeps pay in line with the revenue coming in vs if we have a slow year, we may be unable to cover an annual salary
o Its easier as a board to budget by a per membership pay schedule.
· Sherra suggested if no further discussion we vote on 1st motion
· Whose votes count?
o Everyone with a valid membership and that is an adult is able to cast a vote
· Voting will close tonight 15 min after the meeting as gave a months’ notice for this meeting
· For our current secretary to stay in this position she stated she needed $21.50, the motions being broke up between 2 separate increases was a counter offer to allow us time to budget accordingly.
· Reese posted current prices compared to other association. Madison stated to the board that she puts in more than 40 hours/ week in this position.
· When we tender do they put forward what their salary expectation is?
o No, we state in our posting what the position pays
· How many memberships currently get processed?
o Roughly 750 memberships total for 2023
· Can we have tenders in for AGM so we can vote @ the meeting?
o We can ask for tenders ahead of time so that the board can present options to the membership at the AGM such as possible membership increases to cover secretary pay increases.
· Motion 2 presented by Charmaine
o Whitney rescinded motion with the understanding that we will put forward a similar motion at the 2024 AGM after tenders are received so that we can discuss 2025 secretary pay increase and membership cost increases to cover the secretary pay increase.
· Motion 3 presented by Charmaine
o $1500 bonus is based off the 2023 financial report
o General discussion very positive in believing a bonus was a good idea
Vote closes at end of meeting within 15 min
Board will be sent the results shortly after voting closes
Meeting adjourned@ 8:21 pm
Motion 1 Results
32 votes
29 Votes in Favour
2 Votes Opposed
1 Vote Abstain
Motion 1 carried.
Motion 2 was Rescinded
Motion 3 Results
32 votes
25 Votes in Favour
3 Votes Opposed
4 Vote Abstain
Motion 3 carried.